Place to Search for Ancestors

Always Make the Research of Your Family Tree Enjoyable.

 What I would like to accomplish with this Blog is to assist the reader with Sources with Materials that will make the Searching for Ancestors easier and an Enjoyable Experience.

 My Family Tree Research began many years after my Sister had started on our Family. She had an extensive amount of information that I was able to start from. Helping others get Started and the so called "Dead Ends" are what I try to Focus on now and there will always be Dead Ends, they seem to never go away. As for helping others some people have told me that I Know more about their Ancestors than any one in their own Family. It is only as fun as you make it be.
It must be an Age Thing that triggers the "Who were My Ancestors" because it wasn't on my priority list for many years. Then It just hit me. I must give my sister credit for My Addiction of the Never Ending process of gathering information and after approximately 10 years since my research began I am thoroughly convinced it will be Never Ending.
 With the Internet as it is there are an endless supply of Databases from Colleges, Libraries, Government Agencies, User Submitted Family Trees and others that are at our finger tips just waiting for us to grab a hold of and Search away. The old days of Driving hundreds of miles for a Marriage License or to Photograph a Tombstone hardly exist anymore. Most Land Records are still at the County Courthouses prior to 1995 but many have online searchable Tax Records for the last 15 years or so. Just Google the location and what you want and it may surprise you.
 Google, as good as it is, sometimes won't pull up hits depending on if the Library has Internal Databases which must be searched directly from the Library Website. Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, etc... have endless Digital Collections and Online Books that are Searchable and can be downloaded and read at a leisurely pace.

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